YUNtan( SHUN ) の ネイティブならこう言う! 気持ち・意見を伝える 英会話学習ブログ


【毎日3分!コツコツ練!】ネイティブはこう言います! ネイティブが使う日常英語 & 意見・気持ちを述べる英会話 & 本日の気付きノート No.8


このブログでは、ネイティブチェックありの 自然な英会話表現と色んなジャンルの英語表現を紹介していきます! コツコツ、見ていただき、英語学習にお役に立てればと思い、つづっていきます。




I would rather play video games than watch a movie.

This is because they allow you to have fun and be interactive at the same time because you are physically participating in the events.


I would rather watch a movie than play video games.

This is because it's a more relaxing form of entertainment that allows you to just sit back.


Yes, I think video games are healthy entertainment for kids. This is because they help develop skills, like hand-eye coordination, which is a necessary skill that is needed in life in general, outside of entertainment.


No, I don't think video games are healthy entertainment for kids. This is because they make children sedentary since they usually sit for many hours playing, so they don't get much exercise.


Yes, I think amusement parks are a good place for family vacations. This is because there are many varied activities that can appeal to all, so everyone has their choice of entertainment, which keeps everyone happy.


No, I don't think amusement parks are a good place for family vacations. This is because they don't give families an opportunity for quality time since everyone is just busy doing their own thing and not interacting or talking with each other.










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I hope to see you again soon.