YUNtan( SHUN ) の ネイティブならこう言う! 気持ち・意見を伝える 英会話学習ブログ


【毎日3分!コツコツ練!】ネイティブはこう言います! ネイティブが使う日常英語 & 意見を述べる英会話 & 本日の気付きノート No.3


このブログでは、ネイティブチェックありの 自然な英会話表現と色んなジャンルの英語表現を紹介していきます! コツコツ、見ていただき、英語学習にお役に立てればと思い、つづっていきます。



(意見を伝える英会話)  About suggling 

I agree that smuggling can have serious social and economic impacts on a country. This is because local producers don't make profits, and the government doesn't raise taxes.


 I don't agree that smuggling can have serious social and economic impacts on a country. This is because customs officials are good at stopping smugglers at the ports.


I agree that governments should provide assistance when freak weather conditions damage important crops to prevent illegal activities like smuggling.


I don't agree that governments should provide assistance when freak weather conditions damage important crops. This is because the farmers should be prepared for all weather conditions.


I am surprised that onions are more expensive than meat in the Philippines. This is because it is such a lowly crop that it shouldn't have created such a devastating impact on the economy.


I'm not surprised that onions are more expensive than meat in the Philippines. This is because they are used often in Filipino cooking and are a very important staple, so they will be in high demand.



I think teaching Kindergarten kids dressed up as a clown would be a profitable online business










Thank you for joining here, it was good to see with you.

Take care and I hope to see you again soon.