YUNtan( SHUN ) の ネイティブならこう言う! 気持ち・意見を伝える 英会話学習ブログ


【毎日3分!コツコツ練!】ネイティブはこう言います! ネイティブが使う日常英語 & 意見を述べる英会話 & 本日の気付きノート No.4


このブログでは、ネイティブチェックありの 自然な英会話表現と色んなジャンルの英語表現を紹介していきます! コツコツ、見ていただき、英語学習にお役に立てればと思い、つづっていきます。




I think it is reasonable to tell shift workers not to eat at night. This is because it would be better for their mental and physical health, so it should be recommended.



Heavy typhoons cause heavy havoc when they arrive


I need rebound my pronunciation


Economic growth in china took a dip after covid zero policy


The typhoon recently has intensified to moreand disaster


Every summer the weather is getting hot so some places had a serious drought











Thank you for staying here.

We did an impressive job during the lesson, and it was my pleasure to work with you.

Keep on learning and continue with constant practice. Hope to see you again soon. Have a great day!!